Liebfraumilch 圣母之乳
The name Liebfraumilch is today undoubtedly the most popular German wine in the woeld and has been for centuries a typical Rhine wine,It originated from wine produced by monks onthe grouds of the Liebfrauenstift monastery in Worms,Rheinhessen,than called “l\Liebfrauenminch”,”Minch”being the old German word monk.Thename altered slightly with the language changes of the Middle Age,becoming first”Liebfrauenmilch”and then “Liebfraumilch”,as it is today.The general characteristics of this wine are its pale golden colour,its fine bouquet and its mild,somooth taste,making it the perfect accompaniment to light dishes such as poultry or fish.
It should best be served chilled to about 10 to 12 degrees cntigrade in order to bring out all its charm and character.
Liebfraumilch 品牌是现今毫无质疑的世界上最著名的德国葡萄酒品牌,具有典型的莱茵河流域葡萄酒风格。此酒的最初酿造者是中世纪时期位于德国莱茵黑森地区的沃姆丝教会的传教士们。首词部分Liebfrau 是教会的名称。词尾部分Milch 是由中世纪德语词汇Minch/Monk 演化而来的,而正标上的图片就是圣母玛利亚,所以此酒名为:“圣母之乳”历久相传,作为葡萄酒的品牌传承至今,圣母之乳白葡萄酒为淡淡的金黄色,细腻绵长的花香,口感柔和滑润,是极佳的家禽类和海鲜类菜肴的配餐酒。